Support Us

We can use your support in the fight against human trafficking and conflict-related sexual violence.

Each day thousands of girls, boys, women and men fall victim to human trafficking and conflict-related sexual violence around the world. IMPACT: Center against Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence in Conflict acts and makes a pact against such practices. It requires a long term strategy and approach to fight against human trafficking and conflict-related sexual violence, but we cannot and must not give up on this fight.

For this we need funding. IMPACT does not receive regular subsidies and therefore is dependent on funds, companies, service clubs and individuals. With your contribution, we will continue our mission to act against human trafficking and conflict-related sexual violence via research and advice, education and awareness raising, training and capacity building, and empowerment projects and advocacy. For more information about our previous and current activities and projects, have a look here.

We are an ANBI Foundation.

Donate directly

Simply donate using the below form, or via bank transfer. Our bank details are:

IBAN: NL69 RABO 0317 8888 62
Name: Stichting Impact


And of course, you can also support us by working with us: for instance, by sharing your knowledge on THB and CRSV (including as a volunteer or by co-submitting funding proposals with us) or by becoming an ambassador to our work. Or simply by drinking a cup of Bèkske: Rwandan Empowerment Coffee, which empowers not only you but also the women in Rwanda who are coffee entrepreneurs and who survived the genocide against the Tutsi, and in most cases also genocidal sexual violence!

Support Us

We can use your support in the fight against human trafficking and conflict-related sexual violence.

Each day thousands of girls, boys, women and men fall victim to human trafficking and conflict-related sexual violence around the world. IMPACT: Center against Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence in Conflict acts and makes a pact against such practices. It requires a long term strategy and approach to fight against human trafficking and conflict-related sexual violence, but we cannot and must not give up on this fight.

For this we need funding. IMPACT does not receive regular subsidies and therefore is dependent on funds, companies, service clubs and individuals. With your contribution, we will continue our mission to act against human trafficking and conflict-related sexual violence via research and advice, education and awareness raising, training and capacity building, and empowerment projects and advocacy. For more information about our previous and current activities and projects, have a look here.


Donate directly

Simply donate via the form above or bank transfer. Our bank details are:

IBAN: NL69 RABO0317 8888 62
Name: Stichting Impact

We are an ANBI Foundation.

And of course, you can also support us by working with us: for instance, by sharing your knowledge on THB and CRSV (including as a volunteer or by co-submitting funding proposals with us) or by becoming an ambassador to our work. Or simply by drinking a cup of Bèkske: Rwandan Empowerment Coffee, which empowers not only you but also the women in Rwanda who are coffee entrepreneurs and who survived the genocide against the Tutsi, and in most cases also genocidal sexual violence!